How the Art Will Be Produced
By the illustrator, Lisa Mertins
The only thing that ended up stressing me out about
A Christmas Adventure in Little Italy
was the art show we were so fortunate to hold at Chemer’s Gallery in Tustin at the end of 2010. Hanging the work in a gallery wasn’t something I’d thought of and the images produced for CALI were computer generated using drawings scanned and manipulated in Photoshop. My experience with hanging work in a real gallery was very limited! And one thing I wished I’d had for the show was traditional instead of computer generated art.
So instead of thinking about the work hanging being an rare opportunity, it was the impetus that made me decide to create Adventure on Stage using a traditional technique (just in case we have another art show! Hint! Hint!).

A traditionally produced illustration I did for the Orange County Register
It’s been awhile since I actually painted and it will be a challenge to have the work match the first book. But I wonder if you know that delusion and cockeyed optimism are as important tools to an artist as brushes and paints? I can’t promise I’ll survive the challenge with my sanity intact but I can promise it will be an interesting show!