By the illustrator, Lisa Mertins

“Look for Lisa” (next time I impose like this, we’ll offer a prize!)

 When I was young, I didn’t think of being teased as being bullied. It just hurt my feelings and I had an unconscious desire to get people to stop. To this day, my reaction to teasing is an apparent laugh-riot since I’m still razzed about things. However, I have enough skills and good self-regard that I’m no longer bothered (much ;).

I was voted most humorous in my high school senior class so I guess that was one way of coping – being funny. In elementary school I was in plays, singing groups and I even wrote the school song for Ramona. In front of the whole school, I walked up to the stage that looks just like the Reinberg one above to receive my prize.

As I got older, I realized my drawing skills were something to be proud of so maybe being an artist today is in some part due to a way to make myself feel good when I needed it. Today, art is something that keeps me entertained, distracted and happy.

Am I fortunate to make art for a living? Yes! The actual work is a challenge but undaunting.

Step one is making an agreement to make the work happen. Next week, nuts and bolts of moving forward.


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