From the monthly archives: May 2012

By the illustrator, Lisa Mertins

Well, a computerized drawing board, anyway…

I knew it would be easy to fix any changes with my final paintings in Photoshop but I didn’t anticipate that the first piece I finished so it could sent to Mill Press would […]

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Jim Doti—The Bard

May 29, 2012

The lyrics I wrote for the song the elves sing during the performance of “The Elves and the Shoemaker” and again at the conclusion of the book have an obvious rhyming pattern:

We love to sing our song
   as we sew shoes all night long
Putting meat pies in our […]

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By the Illustrator, Lisa Mertins

Remember me? I’ve been in the art cave for the past six weeks painting. All socializing, blogging and showering came to a screeching halt so I could complete the paintings and I’m starting with the (next to) last image I finished to demonstrate […]

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By the author, Jim Doti

The Jabberwocky editor suggested the following title: 

Jimmy’s Turn to Speak: A Story about Teasing

This didn’t work for me for several reasons but mainly because I don’t think the story is about teasing.  To me, it’s about Jimmy’s experience as an actor on stage that […]

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Revisiting the Title

May 08, 2012

By the author, Jim Doti 

In her cover letter to me, Marna expressed another concern:

You might consider changing the title or possibly adding a subtitle. Jimmy the Elf doesn’t really convey the book’s content, and it might be mistaken for a Christmas story (I’m thinking that Santa and his […]

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