The new cover!

By the illustrator, Lisa Mertins

Well, a computerized drawing board, anyway…

I knew it would be easy to fix any changes with my final paintings in Photoshop but I didn’t anticipate that the first piece I finished so it could sent to Mill Press would be the one that would need extensive correction. When I found out there was a revision for the cover, I was really thankful for good ol’ Photoshop!


The original cover

With the change of title, there was consensus we should show more of a stage scene compared to my original cover art. Now that I’ve made the fixes, I agree that it helps compliment it.

In the past when I was painting, I wasn’t proficient in Photoshop. I eventually created almost all my art with it. I just adore how easy it is to make corrections with scanned paintings. Now, I know it’s easier for me to paint and make corrections than it is to create original Photoshop art!

Here are the two paintings I used to give Jimmy more stage:



Page 25, before the show starts


Page 26, nervous Jimmy!

Can you tell it’s cut and pasted on the new cover? And can you pick out the details  from pages 25 and 26 that I added?

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