Name: Kalin Richardson

Year: Freshman (2026)

Major: Software Engineering

Extracurriculars and Involvements: Treasurer for Society of Women Engineers, Girls Who Code, Robotics Club, Tech Shop Student Worker and Communications Student Assistant for Fowler School of Engineering


  1. Where do you usually spend most of your time on campus?

I spend most of my time if not all of my time besides classes in the Tech Shop. Since I am a commuter student, it is sometimes hard to find a space that is comfortable for me to relax and chill on campus, although I could venture out to a lot more places. I do like to also spend some “me” time in my car and take a little snooze sometimes too. Come find me in the Tech Shop :).

  1. What are some of your career aspirations?

Some career aspirations for me is to find something that runs through passion. So far I am looking forward to finding a good internship and possibly getting lucky through one of those, which is a slim percentage realistically. Combining my passion for technology and new innovations with computer science is at the peak and working my way up to engineering management is probably my end game. 

  1. Why did you choose your major?

I chose software engineering mainly because of my interest in computer science and technology. I originally wanted to do Computer Engineering but decided on Software since it was a little less “technical” but still a combination of electronics and computer science. 

  1. Who has been your favorite professor so far?

My favorite professor so far has to be Dr. Nasim Mohammadi Estakhri. She was my ENG 101 professor and was super interesting to talk to. She was helpful with my project when I ran into an issue and was eager to guide me in the right direction. 

  1. What advice do you have for Fowler students?

Since I am still only a freshman there isn’t a lot of “knowledge” or “wisdom” that I have to give, but if I were to say one thing it would be to explore all of your options and get out of your comfort zone even if it might be intimidating or unusual and to always reach out to peers.