We are deeply saddened by the passing of Bob Barry, a member of the Board of Advisors at Chapman University and a founding member of the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) for the Fowler School of Engineering. Bob had a deep commitment to Chapman and was one of the first people to volunteer his time and expertise upon hearing the announcement of the new engineering school.

His contributions shaped the Fowler School of Engineering during his time on the engineering working group which laid the foundation and vision both for academic programs and identifying the key differentiators that would set the school apart from other engineering institutions.

He continued his unwavering support and dedication while serving on the DAC with founding Dean of Fowler School of Engineering, Dr. Andrew Lyon and was a valued member of the Fowler School of Engineering community.

Not only did Chapman benefit from his expertise outside the classroom, he was deeply invested in supporting and teaching students how to be successful in the professional world. He taught a one unit course for Fowler Engineering on professional consulting based on his own experiences in his own career which students really enjoyed.

Our thoughts are with Bob’s family including his wife, Roberta and their daughter, Megan.