Faculty Name: Dr. Nooshin Estakhri

Alma Mater: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering and Communications, University of Tehran, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan

Currently Teaching: ENGR 101: Foundations of Design and Fabrication

Research: Dr. Esktahri’s two-part research includes understanding and designing quantum dynamics in a number of different leading platforms in the field of quantum information science and engineering relevant to quantum information applications and developing future quantum technologies. The second major theme in her research includes investigating the complex interactions of the classical and quantum state of light with disordered as well as artificially engineered surfaces for the development of novel devices, overcoming the limitations of the current systems, as well as potential applications in quantum metrology, microscopy, and circuit and network design.

A postdoctorate associate is pointing to her academic poster with another person in the frame.

Dr. Estakhri presented her Ph.D. research at the Engineering Research Symposium at the University of Michigan, in 2019. Photo courtesy of the University of Michigan.

Dr. Nooshin Estakhri brings a plethora of research experience in the fields of quantum physics, optical dynamics, and quantum information & technology.  Within a few months, Estakhri has witnessed the level of enthusiasm and determination our engineering students have for their academic journeys. As a faculty member who pursued research with her professors, Estakhri commends the Fowler School of Engineering’s approach to personalized education at an undergraduate level. This kind of academic experience creates new and exciting pathways in research and career success for our students.

Estakhri attended the University of Tehran where she earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering. Immediately following her master’s programs, Estakhri worked toward her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Michigan. After pursuing her research efforts as a postdoctoral associate at the physics department at Virginia Tech, Dr. Nooshin Estakhri joined the Fowler School of Engineering in the 2023 fall semester.

We contacted Estakhri to expand on her background and share her experience at the Fowler School of Engineering.

Q&A with Dr. Estakhri:

Q: What is your favorite part of teaching at Fowler School of Engineering?

Estakhri:  My favorite part of teaching at Fowler is the small class sizes, which provide a unique education experience to students and facilitate direct interaction between instructors and students in class throughout the entire semester. Learning is a journey, and the classroom environment at Fowler certainly makes it possible for students to receive personalized education throughout this journey.

Q: How did you become interested in the subject your current research focuses on?

Eskakhri: My interest in the topics that my group is currently focused on mostly developed and took shape during my PhD and postdoc time where I gained more knowledge about those topics and when I had the chance to work on theoretical, simulation, and experimental aspects of some of these topics with world-class experts in the field.

Q: Can you share a little about your current research and what you hope to accomplish from your research?

Estakhri: My research group focuses on multidisciplinary areas of optics and photonics as well as quantum information science and technology and quantum optics. We pursue timely topics in quantum physics which include proposing and testing quantum control protocols and techniques for quantum processors such as quantum dot spin qubit processors and superconducting processors as well as investigating new phenomena and their physical dynamics in the scattering of classical and quantum fields from disordered compositions. 

On the theoretical aspect, my group uses both analytical and numerical tools to explore relevant physical problems. Besides, my group is also now building its own experimental ultrafast and quantum optics lab, housed at Swenson Hall, which will further enable my research group to explore a wide range of experimental research opportunities permitted by the femtosecond optical dynamics.

Q: What would be your ideal class to teach (preferably one that does not exist, yet)?

Estakhri:  I can say a few classes, none of which are currently offered at Fowler: Quantum Information Science and Engineering, Quantum Mechanics, and Classical Optics. As we establish the EE program, I am looking forward to offering courses in these themes.

Q: What have you noticed about Fowler School of Engineering students that impresses you?

Estakhri: I have only been at Chapman for a couple of months now, but so far, I have found the students to be very bright, energetic, and enthusiastic to learn new concepts. I am impressed by how interested students are in gaining hands-on experience and training through available facilities at Fowler such as the DCI lab and research labs.

Q: What is the best piece of advice you have received?

Estakhri: Never give up on your dreams!

Students interested in assisting Dr. Nooshin Estakhri in her research can email her at nmestakhri@chapman.edu