At this moment in history, as we recover from a difficult year and launch into a new year of 2021, the importance of speaking across all understandings, including religious, cannot be emphasized enough. We need one another as we move forward through this pandemic, and as we navigate our differences in our communities, nation and world.

Pro-ject Understanding was created for this very purpose: to discuss what we hold in common and to learn from one another across religious practices, history and beliefs.

We invite you to join us on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, 7-8:30pm PST for an evening to join and
“See the Wisdom of Coming Together.”
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When we gather on Jan. 30, we will highlight commonalities with short emphasis points by numbers of people from all walks of life. On our website you will find short essays by scholars and practitioners who are respected religious leaders highlighting some of these core values and ideas.  We share how some religions share common origins, such as the Prophet Abraham for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And all religions hold values such as the care of the poor. Religions and spiritual philosophical traditions also hold in common long traditions and experience that are not as readily apparent. These include practices of spiritualism within Hinduism as well as the Christian Pentecostal Church. Or the experience of connectedness with that which is larger than oneself in contemplative practices, as found in Buddhism or ancient and contemporary mystical traditions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha’i faith.  These are all practices that cultivate humility before the Divine and others in order to bring compassion to the world.

We welcome you, and we welcome your recommendations for further authors and essays for our website! Feel free to contact Judge Jim Gray or Reza Karkia, with any questions.