34 posts categorized in

Chaplain Musings


Tradition! Reflection by Rev. Cisa Payuyo

June 8, 2020 by Rev. Cisa Payuyo | Chaplain Musings

A few weeks ago, at the beginning of our shelter-in-place orders, I shared with my beloved that I had never watched the movie Fiddler on the Roof. I never saw the musical play in person either. As a Filipino American born and raised in Los Angeles, I grew up going to family parties where oftentimes

Exodus Reflection by Rev. Nancy Brink

June 1, 2020 by Rev. Nancy Brink | Chaplain Musings

I have been thinking a lot about the story of Exodus in this pandemic. It began as I walked home the day that students were told that classes were going online the next day. Students were frantically carrying items from their dorms, very little properly packed. There was none of the festivity of move in

Bored, Depressed, and Want to Give Up? The Noonday Demon Whispers!: Pentecost 2020 Reflection by Rev. Rafael Luévano

May 18, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

Evargrius Ponticus, a third-century hermit who lived isolated in the Egyptian desert, knew all about boredom, discouragement, and wanting to give up. He personified this chorus of negativity with a telling nickname, “The Noonday Demon.” Unlike other tempters who lurk under cover of darkness, when Evargrius was weary and discouraged, this demon appeared in broad

Who You Gonna Call? Campus Chaplains in a time of COVID-19 By Gail J. Stearns, Dean, Wallace All Faith Chapel, Chapman University

May 18, 2020 by | Chaplain Musings

Ever felt like you needed someone to talk to, but didn’t know who? That’s exactly what campus chaplains are here for. What you might be surprised to learn is that a chaplain provides emotional, social and spiritual support regardless of a person’s faith or no faith. Chaplains go through training, a master’s and sometimes a

You Can Close Your Eyes Reflection by Rev. Nancy Brink

May 7, 2020 by Rev. Nancy Brink | Chaplain Musings

Some years ago—I got an idea. I heard an old James Taylor song come on the radio: You Can Close Your Eyes. In the song, James’ phrase, “close your eyes,” is about trust. And that day I imagined that the singer of the song is Jesus, building community among his followers, singing to all of

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