Chag Sameach.  Happy Passover.

April 8, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Chag Sameach.  Happy Passover What a strange time to be living in when there is an actual plague happening during the time of Pesach. Over the last month, our lives have been upended and we have been forced to adjust over and over again as the guidelines keep changing on how to deal with COVID-19


That Feeling of Grief and Finding Meaning

April 1, 2020 by | Uncategorized

We grieve the things we never even had, a friend once said to me after I had experienced a profound loss. Indeed, we grieve the future we were imagining, planning toward, or counting on. In normal times, we spend much of our time engaging in anticipatory causality, a term coined by Sara Ahmed, author of


The Spiritual Pillar

March 28, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Taking some exercise and walking on Chapman’s lovely (and very empty) campus today, I entered the Piazza. That’s when I noticed that the fountain appeared to be turned off. As I moved closer, I realized that it wasn’t completely off—there was still some water coming out of one of the pillars.  Hmmm…interesting. Chapman makes a


Chávez and the Work of the Non-Essential Among Us

March 27, 2020 by | Uncategorized

A colleague recently said to me, It’s humbling to learn you’re not an essential worker, isn’t it? At times, we do feel powerless. So, what can we do in this unexpected time of COVID-19? I find the language of “call” to be helpful. We hear of people having a religious experience of being called –


Find Your Wilderness

March 20, 2020 by | Uncategorized

This morning, I was surprised as I sat in my living room with the door open, the fresh scent of moist, cool air wafting through the door. Hearing finches chirping and hummingbirds buzzing within an unusual silence void of traffic sounds, my senses transported me back to a brisk morning when I rose early and


Ten Tips for Calmness and Compassion in Times of Crisis

March 13, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Warm greetings from all of us at the Fish Interfaith Center. As we navigate through these uncertain times, we recognize the ensuing stress and anxiety generated from the Coronavirus (COVID-19). From the disruption in switching to online classes or adapted work to the unexpected challenges in your accustomed way of life, please do know that

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