Who will be our next graduate student Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) winner? Preliminary video round entries due March 13, 2020
February 21, 2020

2019 3MT winners: Ramina Nabiee, 2nd place; Priscilla Liou, Peoples Choice; Dominic So, 1st place.
Chapman’s 2020 Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition is now underway! Participants are judged along four dimensions: (1) how well the presenter shares their research in a manner that is accessible to the general public; (2) the organization of the content presented; (3) how engaging the presentation is; and, (4) the presenter’s skill in communicating their findings clearly. Learn more about the competition and how to enter here; preliminary round video submissions are due March 13, 2020 by 11:59 p.m.
2019 first place winner, Dominic So, will represent Chapman University’s graduate students when he competes next month at the Western Association of Graduate Schools (WAGS) annual conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His prize-winning Three Minute Thesis (3MT®), entitled “Humanity Amidst the Inhumanity of the Vietnam War,” won first place and a $750 cash prize at Chapman’s competition. Dominic also received full funding from Chapman for his travel and participation in the regional WAGS competition against other graduate students from 21 institutions.
Dominic, who works as a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State, is completing his Master of Arts degree in the War and Society Program in Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Dr. Jennifer Keene’s course, in which students create a 3MT®-style project summarizing their research, inspired Dominic to join the 3MT® competition. Dominic remarked, “Without the support and guidance of my professors and classmates at Chapman and the generosity of the Nixon Foundation, I would never have had opportunities like presenting at an academic conference last May or at the WAGS 3MT® competition next month. I am so grateful for the personalized education I received at Chapman and will carry these experiences with me back into the field as a diplomat.”
We congratulate Dominic on his winning presentation at Chapman’s 3MT® competition and wish him the best of luck in the upcoming WAGS 3MT® competition in New Mexico. Will YOU be the next graduate student to win 3MT®?
For more information on Chapman’s participation in WAGS and recognitions available to our graduate students, please visit our website or contact GradEd@chapman.edu.