Judita Matyasova Headshot

Judita Matyasova

November 19 •4:00 PM
Bush Conference Center | Beckman Hall |Room 404

Judita Matyášová
Researcher, Military History Institute, Prague, Czech Republic

Judita Matyášová is a freelance journalist and author in Prague, Czech Republic, where she is a researcher at the Military History Institute. She is a regular contributor to the Czech newspaper
Lidové noviny

Ms. Matyášová is a graduate of Josef Škvorecký Literary Academy. She is the co-author with photographer Jan Jindra of the book,
Journeys with Franz Kafka
. Her most recent book,
Friendship in Spite of Hitler
, recounts for the first time the stories of eighty Jewish teenagers sent to rural Denmark in 1939 to escape the growing Nazi threat. In 1943, thanks to Danish rescuers, most of the eighty were ferried to safety in neutral Sweden.

In this lecture, Ms. Matyášová shares the stories of these teenagers, the challenges they faced, and the friendships that sustained them.

For more information about this event, please call (714) 628-7377 or email RodgersCenter@chapman.edu