Picture this: it’s ten minutes past midnight, and you’re holed up in a corner of the library, in the home stretch of that essay that’s due in the morning. Just two paragraphs to go, and the playlist on your phone is the only thing getting you through. But what’s that? Your phone’s about to die? Oh no!

Well, Panthers, never fear – the Leatherby Libraries is here, and we’ve got your back! We now have portable chargers and charging cables available for checkout for six hours at a time. The chargers, pictured below, work either wirelessly, with devices that support wireless charging, or with cables, and we’ve got those, too, in both Apple and Android types. Chargers and cables can be checked out for up to six hours at a time, but not overnight. They can even leave the library, if you prefer to do your studying elsewhere. Check them out at the Circulation Desk with your books.

For more information, contact Circulation at libcirc@chapman.edu or (714) 532-7756.