Leatherby Students from Home: Aneli Whitford
May 26, 2020
Last week in the Leatherby Students from Home series, we spoke with Lillian Phan. This week we’re talking with Aneli Whitford, another student assistant who works with Health Sciences Librarian Ivan Portillo in the Rinker Health Sciences Study Commons.
1. What has been the most challenging aspect for you of studying from home so far, and how did you overcome it?
I have never been an “at-home” study-er: for me my home is my respite. Now that we have to study and work from home the most challenging thing has been learning to focus at home and designating an area just for studying and lectures.
2. What do you miss most about coming in to work at the Study Commons?
I miss being near the books in a quiet studious environment. My favorite task is putting the used books away because I learn more about the multitude of books we have hard copies of in the Study Commons. Of course I also miss my co-worker Lillian, she is one of my close friends I have made in the program!
3. What book(s) have you been reading recently?
I enjoy the fantasy book genre and have been reading the second book, One Dark Throne, in a series called Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake.
4. What remote resource(s) from the Leatherby Libraries have you been using the most while you study from home?
I have been using library journal resources the most since being at home. Chapman’s Physical Therapy program heavily promotes evidenced-based practice; as such I often look for articles using the Leatherby Libraries website.
5. What is your number one piece of advice for other students learning remotely right now?
My advice is to dedicate one area of your house to be your “office.” It’s easy to be distracted by everything in your home, but if you give yourself just one area in your home – your desk, or one corner of your dining table to just be for studying and lectures! This is also a no phone zone, treat it just like you would a classroom.