58 posts categorized in

Diversity Equity & Inclusion


Leatherby Libraries Wins Award for Diversity Initiative Sikh Initiatives at Chapman University bring critical acclaim

February 23, 2021 by | News

Earlier this month, the Council for Advancement & Support of Education (CASE) announced their District VII Circle of Excellence Awards, and the Leatherby Libraries is delighted to share that we are a silver medalist for our project, Sikh Initiatives at Chapman University. Development Coordinator and librarian Essraa Nawar submitted information about the project, one of

New Database: ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Black Newspapers

February 5, 2021 by | Resources

The Leatherby Libraries is thrilled to offer ongoing access to the ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Black Newspapers database, to which we offered trial access in Fall 2020. With this acquisition, which represents a major campus-wide collaboration, we now have permanent access to the archives of ten historical black newspapers that provide first-hand accounts and coverage of

Leatherby Libraries Interim Dean Dr. Kevin Ross and Collaborators Win Diversity and Inclusion Award

January 29, 2021 by | Resources

In September of 2020, the Chapman University Office of Research announced a new funding opportunity, the Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity program, designed to support critical gaps in knowledge related to equity, diversity and inclusion or to benefit impacted communities. In mid-December, it was announced that, among a number of

Orange County Japanese American Youths Scrapbooks New archive added to the Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collection & Archives

December 1, 2020 by | News

One of the primary goals of the Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections & Archives is to preserve materials related to the history of Orange County, which has been the home of Chapman University since 1954. The newest archive added to Special Collections and accessible to the public through the Chapman University Digital Commons,

Investigating Resources at the Leatherby Libraries: Support for Students with Disabilities

December 3, 2019 by | Diversity Equity & Inclusion

The Leatherby Libraries works to serve all Chapman students in any way they need. With our promise to do so, the library offers many resources for students with disabilities. These resources include: Multiple entrances for easy access. The east and west side entrances have wheelchair ramps and automatic opening doors.  Three elevators in the building:

Celebrating Pride Month at the Leatherby Libraries

April 4, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries are celebrating Campus Pride Month through a new display case in the lobby! Highlighting novels that cover the LGBTQ community and decorated with flags for the different communities, the new display honors the community at Chapman. This year’s case includes a rainbow pride flag, as well as several other less well-known flags. these

Campus Pride Month at the Leatherby Libraries

April 15, 2015 by | Exhibits and Displays

April is Campus Pride Month, and here at the Leatherby Libraries we are showing our pride! National Pride Month takes place in June, but since most colleges and universities are done for the school year by June, April was selected specifically for Campus Pride Month. The goal of Campus Pride Month is to show support

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