174 posts tagged

Leatherby Libraries


Librarian Interviews: Cotton Coslett

April 21, 2016 by | Meet the Librarians

Last summer I conducted a series of interviews  with all the student workers around the Leatherby Libraries. These interviews helped inform the community about all the different areas of the library and all the services we have! Now, we’re doing the same with all our hard-working librarians. Cotton Coslett, one of our new reference librarians, was kind enough

New Library Display in Honor of Earth Day

April 19, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

This April will mark the 46th anniversary of Earth Day. Founded in 1970, Earth Day recognizes April 22nd  as a day to support the environment and recognize ways humans can heal the world they live in. This particular Earth Day is also important because it marks the day the Paris Agreement is open for signatures.

Latest library exhibit celebrates the 10th anniversary of Arabic Studies at Chapman Exhibit highlights Arabic resources and fabled Egyptian actor Omar Sharif

April 6, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries has partnered with the Arabic Studies cluster at Chapman University to create an exhibit highlighting the actor Omar Sharif. Omar Sharif was a celebrated Egyptian actor who passed away last year, remembered for his roles in Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago, and Funny Girl . In his life time, Sharif was

Celebrating Pride Month at the Leatherby Libraries

April 4, 2016 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries are celebrating Campus Pride Month through a new display case in the lobby! Highlighting novels that cover the LGBTQ community and decorated with flags for the different communities, the new display honors the community at Chapman. This year’s case includes a rainbow pride flag, as well as several other less well-known flags. these

New Staff Book: The Craft of Librarian Instruction

April 1, 2016 by | News

Two of our very own librarians here at the Leatherby Libraries have published a new instructional book for library instruction, incorporating acting techniques and presentational skills. The Craft of Librarian Instruction: Using Acting Techniques to Create Your Teaching Presence  by Julie Artman, Jeff Sundquist, and Douglas R. Dechow. We are so proud of Julie

Chapman University Digital Commons celebrates 100,000 downloads! Digital Commons shares the scholarship of the Chapman community with the world

March 29, 2016 by | Resources

Chapman University Digital Commons is continuing to soar to new heights, and the month of March has been momentous. Increased Usage and Content In March, we uploaded our 10,000th file to Chapman University Digital Commons. Perhaps more excitingly, works from Digital Commons have now been downloaded over 100,000 times by users from over 190 countries!

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