36 posts categorized in



Beyond the Classroom: Unveiling the Power of IPPE Rotations

July 26, 2023 by | Pharmacy

Woven into the PharmD curriculum, IPPEs have secured Megan Shieh’s confidence in her future in healthcare. Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences, otherwise known as IPPEs, expose future pharmacists to a variety of healthcare settings and provide valuable learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. These trimesterly courses send PharmD candidates like Megan into a rich

On the CUSP: June 2023

July 10, 2023 by | Pharmacy School

Awards and Recognitions: Dr. Lawrence Brown was awarded the University of Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy Alumni of the Year Award. He will be recognized on September 9th at the UOP White Coat Ceremony. Grants: Dr. Rennolds Ostrom and his collaborators were awarded a new R01 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and

CSHP Leads Campus-Wide Advocacy for Mental Health Awareness Month

June 1, 2023 by | Pharmacy School

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, the CSHP/ASHP chapter of CUSP organized a week-long advocacy project packed with engaging activities and valuable learning opportunities for students, staff, and faculty from Chapman University’s School of Pharmacy and the Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences. To raise awareness about mental health and cultivate an inclusive

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