Chapman University has introduced a new academic journal focused on quantum theory. Created and published by physicists within
Chapman’s Institute for Quantum Studies (IQS),
the journal is called
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations
. Nearly a year in the works, the inaugural issue, which contains 10 submissions from physicists around the world, was just released.

“We are aiming to promote a deeper understanding of all fundamental aspects of quantum theory,” said Daniele Struppa, Ph.D., chancellor of Chapman University and also a mathematician.

Book cover of Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations

With a goal of publishing the journal four times a year, Chapman physicist and IQS co-director Yakir Aharonov – a National Medal of Science recipient – is the editor-in-chief, with Jeff Tollaksen, Ph.D., co-director of Chapman’s IQS, Fabrizio Colombo from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, and IQS, and Dr. Struppa serving as managing editors.

“We want to publish papers of high scientific quality that emphasize mathematical insights and methods that lead to a better understanding of aspects of quantum physics and its expansion,” said Dr. Tollaksen.

Volume I, Issue I features papers from around the U.S., as well as from Israel and Belgium. The target audiences of this international journal are physicists, mathematicians and philosophers of science with an interest in the fundamental aspects of quantum theory. Papers are already being accepted for review for the next issue. The journal can be found online at:

Chapman’s Institute for Quantum Studies was launched in 2012 and includes some 30 of the top physicists from around the world, including three Nobel Laureates.

The launching of this new academic journal is more evidence of Chapman University’s continued growth in the sciences in the past several years, including creating a the new Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, launching the first School of Pharmacy in Orange County, CA, and opening a new teaching and research campus in Irvine, CA.

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