Distinguished Scholars Peter McLaren, Ph.D., Shirley Steinberg, Ph.D. and Tom Wilson, Ed.D. lead symposium, followed by a donation of posters by McLaren to Chapman’s Paulo Freire Democratic Project and a gallery walk of “Revolutionary Art of Latin America.”

Media Contact:
Ryan Hines
Public Relations Coordinator
Chapman University

Orange, Calif. – Chapman University’s College of Educational Studies (CES), Leatherby Libraries and the Hassinger Chair Lecture Series will host “Friends of Paulo Symposium and Reception” on Saturday, September 28, from 3 to 5 p.m., in the Henley Reading Room, 2nd floor of the Leatherby Libraries, on the Chapman campus at One University Drive in Orange.

The symposium is free and open to the public and all interested scholars. For further information, the public can call 714-532-6024. This symposium will create a dialogue discussing the difference critical pedagogy has made in education. Based in Marxist theory, this concept, field of inquiry and social movement was developed by Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire (1921 – 1997) as an educational movement with particular focus on students who are historically marginalized and disenfranchised by traditional education.

Chapman University and the College of Educational Studies are home to the Paulo Freire Democratic Project, directly supportive of pedagogical ideals by blending progressive/critical practices with ethical/democratic practices in both formal and informal educational contexts. “As one of several centers established around the world in Freire’s honor, this project enhances the experience of students and teaches how to think critically about the world,” said Suzanne SooHoo, Ph.D., professor, co-director of the Paulo Freire Democratic Project and endowed Hassinger Chair of Culture, Community and Collaboration.

A special archival donation will be made to Chapman’s Paulo Freire Democratic Project following the symposium, at 5 p.m., followed by a gallery walk to view a special Leatherby Libraries exhibition, “Revolutionary Art of Latin America,” highlighting works from Professor McLaren’s personal collection.


Peter McLaren, Ph.D.Peter McLaren, Ph.D., distinguished fellow in Critical Studies at Chapman’s College of Educational Studies. He is internationally recognized as one of the leading architects of critical pedagogy and is currently professor of education in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.

Shirley Steinberg, Ph.D.Shirley Steinberg, Ph.D., professor of youth studies at the University of Calgary and director and chair of The Werklund Foundation Centre for Youth Leadership Education. Steinberg, having studied hip-hop as “the language of youth,” is committed to contextualizing teaching and has written extensively on the work of Paulo Freire.

Tom Wilson, Ed.D.Tom Wilson, Ed.D., adjunct faculty member in Chapman’s College of Educational Studies and director of the Paulo Freire Democratic Project. He has lectured nationally and internationally on themes regarding democratic education, educational ethics, social justice and organizational behavior.



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