The first in our brainstorming session is the Admission app.  What should it do?  Recently, I sat down the the Admission team and we came up with the following ideas:

  • App guided tour – (a much higher tech version of the self guided audio tour)
  • Counselor Look Up based on location
    • Look up the counselor for a given area based on where you are, sort of like this app.
  • Official Check In for Tours (this would be a Hobsons thing since Admission uses Hobsons for events and interviews – this may not be possible)
  • Live app counter (live admission statistics as they are deemed public by the Admission office)
  • Deadline countdown
    • Instead of just listing the dates, what if we say “39 days until your application is due”
  • Status check
    • Something that integrates with either WebAdvisor or Hobsons to tell students where they are in the process.  Are they missing documents?  Has their file been read?  What is their decision?
What other ideas do you have?  Let us know below!