WordPress 4.0 was released a few days ago and because this is a major update, we’d like to make sure you are all aware of the new changes and added features of this new version. The upgrade will happen for Chapman the week of September 7 to our live servers, but it should have minimal, if any, effect on your day-to-day blogging routine

Here are a few of the bigger changes being made to the backend editor:

  • YouTube (and other embeddable content) will appear as a live preview in the editor. Previously it only showed as the url until viewed on the live page.
  • The styling (WYSIWYG) controls are now sticky and stay at the top of your screen as you scroll down the content editing box. This is helpful if you are creating a particularly long page.
  • The media browser features infinite scrolling. you no longer have to push next page when looking for an older used photo.

You can also view the full change list at http://codex.wordpress.org/Version_4.0.

If you have any questions, please contact your web coordinator.