Per SMC’s new university wide email policy, please note the following changes effective February 4th, 2013.

We will no longer be sending individual emails to the internal campus community, instead we have developed a new template that will contain a list of upcoming events for clients throughout the university. These emails will be similar to the “Inside.Chapman” emailĀ sent out every Monday, but will go out once per week on Thursday mornings. Please consider the following guidelines when requesting an email:

  • In order for your email to be including in our Thursday version, a request must be submitted to your AE by no later than 5 p.m. on the Tuesday before your inclusion. Late submissions will not be considered due to development and proofing time.
  • You must provide a link to a relevant blog post, whether on your own schools/colleges blog, or if your department doesn’t have a blog, default to Happenings.
  • Please ensure that your submission does not exceed 55 words
  • Please provideĀ an appropriate, horizontally focused photo for use in the email.

See below for an example of our new Weekly Updates template.

Weekly template