Hello Content Authors!

Again, I wanted to thank you for your hard work in the content writing process.  Your Web Coordinators have been busy at work approving pages that have been submitted.  Soon, we will be ready to migrate that content into the new website.  Here’s the plan:

  • In early Feb, Barkley REI will deploy a training video.
    • This video will teach web authors how to perform simple tasks in the new CMS (Cascade)
    • Web Authors will have access to the CMS at this time, and will be able to follow along with the video, actually working in the CMS.
  • On February 15 and 16 Barkley REI will be here in person to complete the training.
    • Attendees of this training should be individuals who will physically work with the CMS.
  • After training is complete, content migration will begin.
    • Representatives from each School/College/Department/Office/Etc will be able to take their pre-written content, and paste it into the new website.
      • These representatives will be the individuals who will physically work with the CMS; those who have been previously trained.
    • The ‘beta version’ of Chapman’s new website will launch, and the public will be able to see the new site grow as content is added.
  • In early March, the ‘beta’ site will become the official www.chapman.edu site and our new site will be live.
  • After the new website is up, Chapman SMC will work with Barkley to make upgrades to the site, and troubleshoot any unforeseen problems.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns,


-David May