10 items in



New to Events.chapman.edu: Add to Calendar Feature

February 29, 2016 by

We love adding new features! On the event listings on events.chapman.edu, viewers can now “add to calendar.” This function will allow you to choose a personal calendar (like google, outlook, and ical) and add the details. Simple, yet very useful. If you have other features or feedback that would be helpful, please let us know. You can email

Introducing Dimensions.chapman.edu

February 29, 2016 by

Need to crop a featured image for your blog? A masthead box for your webpage? An Image for the weekly email? The web team in Strategic Marketing & Communications is excited to introduce a new photo cropping tool customized to the Chapman experience. This new tool found at dimensions.chapman.edu is an easy-to-use image cropping web tool with preloaded Chapman

Improvements to the Event Scheduling (25Live) and Calendaring Process

March 26, 2015 by

We are excited to announce some updates and improvements to our event submission and calendaring process. In correlation with the version updates from our 25Live vendor, Strategic Marketing and Communications has been working tirelessly to polish up the overall events’ process. Here’s is a quick rundown of what’s new! Updates to the Event Scheduling Process Event Scheduling Timeline – During our

Analytics widget in Cascade

December 1, 2014 by

In their latest release, Cascade rolled out the ability to add a Google Analytics widget to your home dashboard as well view analytics data for individual folders and pages within Cascade. To see analytics for a specific page Click on an individual page in the site tree Click on view and then choose analytics from

Introducing the Universal Navigation Bar

October 30, 2014 by

Over the last three years, the SMC web team has been busy building digital communication tools to help make the Chapman web experience more enjoyable for visitors to our website. This includes the development of our core web environments: blogs.chapman.edu, inside.chapman.edu, social.chapman.edu and, or course, the main Chapman website (www). That being said, one of the

New Website Template Masthead Options and Menu!

October 7, 2014 by

In a effort to continually improve upon the Chapman website’s function and design, we are introducing three new masthead options for your use on all templates (excluding the department template). These options include a branded masthead, a four box rotator and a larger image slider. Below is a quick rundown of each new option and

WordPress 4.0 Update with Some Great New Features

September 7, 2014 by

WordPress 4.0 was released a few days ago and because this is a major update, we’d like to make sure you are all aware of the new changes and added features of this new version. The upgrade will happen for Chapman the week of September 7 to our live servers, but it should have minimal,

Cascade CMS Version Update With New Features

June 24, 2014 by

Attention Chapman Web Contributors: On the afternoon of Wednesday, June 25, we will be upgrading the Cascade Content Management System (CMS) from 7.4 to 7.10.2. In doing so, some great features will be added and upgraded to help make your time within this system a little easier. Below is a breakdown of these updates. File Uploading

Summer 2014 Blog Updates

May 28, 2014 by

Summer is here! And just in time, we’ve made the blog templates all new and shiny and updated, with more spaces for beautiful, high quality images that show what Chapman’s programs look like and feel like. Blog template version 1.2 is available now. Contact your Web Coordinator to opt in. We can get you updated right

Updates to Mass Email Policy and Procedures

February 4, 2014 by

Per SMC’s new university wide email policy, please note the following changes effective February 4th, 2013. We will no longer be sending individual emails to the internal campus community, instead we have developed a new template that will contain a list of upcoming events for clients throughout the university. These emails will be similar to

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