We are excited to announce some updates and improvements to our event submission and calendaring process. In correlation with the version updates from our 25Live vendor, Strategic Marketing and Communications has been working tirelessly to polish up the overall events’ process. Here’s is a quick rundown of what’s new!

Updates to the Event Scheduling Process

  • Event Scheduling TimelineDuring our review of the events’ process, it became clear that clarification of scheduling times and deadlines was a much needed feature. On the Event Scheduling Timeline, you will see the 25Live System open dates and deadlines for event submissions for the following academic year.
  • Wait List Scheduling  – Since we now have the Event Scheduling Timeline, we also added a Wait List submission feature that rewards early event planners. If you have your event location and times identified before your open dates in 25Live, you may submit to the Wait List and you will be given top priority if the location is still available when your open date arrive. This process is first come, first serve.
  •  ‘5 Days Out’ Rule – Every time an event is requested through 25Live, this triggers a process that involves many individuals. This process not only takes time, but should be handled with much care. With respect to the individuals involved with the event scheduling and setup process, we are enforcing a ‘5 Days Out’ rule. Events must be scheduled with a least 5 days of lead time. You will no longer be allowed to submit events in 25Live that are less than 5 days away.

Updates to the 25Live System

One of the biggest changes you will see is that 25Live has received a much needed overhaul. With a slightly new design, some core structural changes and the addition of guides and resources, we believe the process is much clearer.


  • Create an Event Form: The most noticeable change to the 25Live System is the edits to the ‘create an event’ form. This includes:
    • The form being broken up into multiple pages to help with load time and clarity.
    • Addition of the public/private event types on the first page to identify if this is an event to be displayed on our new events calendar.
    • Addition of the “Helpful Hints” to the right of the form as you go through the pages.
    • Addition of the Wait List button on the date/time scheduling page.
    • General cleanup of the labels and filter for clarity.

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  • Cancel Form and Button: We created a form and added a button on the 25Live homepage for the cancellation of your event. Simply submit your request and the Event Scheduling staff will begin the cancellation process.

For more more information on the new system, please see our online guides. And as always, if you have additional questions or would like to go through 25Live training again to fully understand the new changes, please contact eventscheduling@chapman.edu.

Updates the New Public Events Calendar

Many 25Live users have been introduced to our new events calendar and given valuable feedback. In the last month, we have been making some additional updates to the system that we would love to share.

  • Events.chapman.edu – The new calendar is now linked to various parts of the website. It will now be an option in our universal nav in the top right of the browser, and we are fixing the feeds to pull from this environment.

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  • Event Listings – As a submitter to the 25Live system, your “public” events are automatically pulled into the live calendar. Within this public calendar, the event owners can edit their event listing as needed. We have given you the keys to make your event listing informative and pretty.
  • Editable elements: 
    • Title
    • Subtitle
    • Image
    • Ticketing information
    • Event details and buttons
    • Contact information
    • Additional organizations
    • Please note: time, date and location must be handled through 25Live.
  • Organization Logo: They system is now connecting your organization’s logo mark to the listing. This information is pulled from the official Chapman accounts.
  • Sharing Edit Permission: you can now delegate edit permissions to other Chapman members. Go to your edit mode and click the “setting” tab.

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If you have questions about the new public events calendar, please contact the your Web Coordinator.

Enjoy the new system! We are always here to answer any questions you may have.