46 posts categorized in

Inside SMC


Creating a New Alumni Website from Scratch

September 12, 2013 by | Inside SMC

“Like Baking a Delicious Cake except instead of cake ingredients using the web, social media, email and user testing with a tablespoon of love.” A good alumni relationship is important for any school, not only because alumni contribute so much to the university through job prospects, volunteer events, mentoring and giving back – and at

Forging Strong Relationships Within a Creative Bubble

September 4, 2013 by | Inside SMC

There are inherently challenging dynamics that exists among those involved in the creative process. What’s important to keep in mind is that ultimately, we all want the same thing: a beautiful product that reaches our target audience(s), satisfies our clients’ objectives and generates a return on investment. But how do we achieve this end with

Don’t Be a Dinosaur: How to Connect With Chapman University Digitally

August 21, 2013 by | Inside SMC

It’s the beginning of a new academic year, and you might be wondering, “What’s new with my Chapman University family?” or “What’s happening in my community?” Well, you’ve come to the right place. Strategic Marketing and Communications (SMC) is here to keep you informed. Here are 4 digital tools to help you connect with Chapman

On or Off Track

July 12, 2013 by | Inside SMC

I am not sure if people really understand how much work an office of 29 people can truly produce. Ironically enough, when people think of Strategic Marketing and Communications (SMC), they usually think of the 8 people and faces they see most often. The fact of the matter is, our department can be broken into

HighEdWeb West: A Student’s Summary

June 12, 2013 by | Inside SMC

Madeleine Wilson, interactive marketing student assistant, recounts her experience at the first inaugural HighEdWeb West regional conference. From a student’s perspective, she reflects on themes and concepts shared during this one-day conference.

New Weekly Email!

February 6, 2013 by | Inside SMC

Hey all, If you check your campus email regularly, you may notice some new and exciting changes coming to your inbox starting Thursday. Feb. 7th. At SMC we’ve been working hard to find a solution to the large amount of emails we send to the campus community, and good news – we’ve figured it out!

Why Consolidate Emails?

January 22, 2013 by | Inside SMC

Chapman Family, You’re probably frustrated with the number of emails you’re receiving about campus events and announcements. You might even be guilty of deleting some without even reading them. If so, you’re part of the majority.  In the last year, we’ve received numerous requests to send out internal mass emails on behalf of various schools/colleges,

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