46 posts categorized in

Inside SMC


Chapman’s Web Contributors: Who’s Who

January 24, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Hello all, I wanted to put this in writing and see what sort of comments we received.  Here (in no particular order) is the terminology that I’ve been using to describe people who contribute to Chapman’s website.  If you have any suggestions / objections, please let me know. Content Owner – This is someone who has

Miss America email error

January 18, 2012 by | Inside SMC

A glitch in our email distribution system inadvertently sent out a six-day-old message regarding the Miss America competition, which was broadcast last Saturday, Jan. 14. The message was originally scheduled to be sent last Friday, but unfortunately arrived five days too late for us to cheer on Chapman University alumna and Miss California Noelle Freeman

The Importance of Notice

August 15, 2011 by | Inside SMC

Hello Chapman, I just wanted to take a quick minute to remind everyone how important giving us notice is. Depending on the scale of your web project, you should be contacting your AE between three and seven weeks prior to the time you would need it. We do have folks on campus who give us

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