33 posts categorized in

Social Media


Title, Tag, Describe: Do It Right on YouTube to Get Noticed

March 17, 2014 by | Social Media

Almost every college and university has a YouTube channel (some have multiple channels), but are these channels really getting views? Are their videos connecting with their audience, and if not, why not? It’s possible to post an amazing video on YouTube and then see it linger, lonely and forlorn, with just a handful of views.

When free isn’t really free on Facebook

January 8, 2014 by | Social Media

AdAge published an article last month detailing the decline of organic reach on Facebook as well as Facebook’s shift to encouraging pages (i.e. businesses) to buy ads in order to promote themselves. This shift is all well and good if you’re a for-profit page on Facebook with a dedicated online marketing budget. Standard ads are

10 chatty and creative colleges on Twitter

December 9, 2013 by | Social Media

Most people who know me can agree I love to talk. I love a good pun or joke, and I love a cheerful “hello,” especially online. While many colleges and universities are still struggling to adapt to social media, several are excelling with creative and conversational tweets on Twitter. Their charm is crowd-pleasing and attractive,

Not All Social Media is Created Equal

August 2, 2013 by | Social Media

We’ve all heard that everyone is on Facebook, and that everyone should be on Twitter. A big question that always comes up in regards to social media usage is “how can I get better at using Facebook and Twitter,” when the question people ought to be asking is “Should I be using Facebook and Twitter at all?”

Digital Identity for College Students

March 7, 2013 by | Social Media

Digital identity is a popular topic of recent conversations and especially important for college students. I recently presented at Chapman University’s Parent Spring Summit on digital identity and leveraging social media to present your “brand.” Digital identity A digital identity includes more than social media; it includes all technology. Technology has become an extension of

Education and Social Media Info-graphic

January 4, 2013 by | Social Media

A friend sent this “Education and Social Media” info-graphic to me, and I wanted to share.  Lately, I’m very interested in talking about the future of education.  How will technology be used?  What will higher ed look like in 20 years?  Is the next economic bubble education, and if so, what will it look like after

Instagram’s Drastic Policy Announcement & Clarification

December 18, 2012 by | Social Media

After Facebook purchased Instagram earlier this year, users were counting down the days until changes were made to the photo-sharing platform. The count is over and it only took three months! Instagram issued new additions to its policy, and they were met with criticism from their die-hard, photo-filtering-frenzied users. New Instagram policy

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