8 posts tagged



“Chapman Shortcuts” are Coming Soon

September 5, 2012 by | Website Overhaul

As we speak, Chapman is working with Barkley REI to add new features to Chapman’s website.  These new features will be released very soon, and include the new “Chapman Shortcuts” feature.  Shortcuts allows you to save your own quicklinks, and will also remember recent pages and searches. Shortcuts will work on any device, and does

News Source – Chapman Blogs

February 21, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Readers, Some of you have noticed the new version of Chapman Happenings.  This has been made possible by a local instance of “WordPress,” a popular open source blogging solution.  We are also excited to announce that more blogs are on the way.  Over the years Chapman has created a variety of blogs on a variety

Mobile Feedback Form Posted

October 25, 2011 by | Mobile

Hello readers, As you know, we have been brainstorming on the topic of mobile apps for Chapman.  Soon, the brainstorming phase will be over – please leave your feedback ASAP! http://goo.gl/cG28N  Thanks, -DM  

More Web Design Samples Posted for Feedback

October 10, 2011 by | Website Overhaul

Hello all, Thanks so much for the feedback on our new homepage .  If you have not seen that post yet, please take a peek and give us feedback.  We also wanted to post design pictures of the mobile website.  That’s right… Chapman’s new website will include a mobile optimized site for iPhones, Android phones, etc.

Mobile Apps – what do Chapman students want?

September 21, 2011 by | Mobile

For those of you who ‘like‘ us on Facebook, you probably saw this post.  I broke comments up into categories: Hours for things: Gym/open rec times Caf Events (Athletic/Alumni/etc.) – perhaps a mode that would show you what events are coming up in a building that you are near Directory: Public Safty Health Center Psych Services

Apps and Labs

September 16, 2011 by | Mobile

Hello readers, Every so often when talking about mobile apps, someone informs me of a project that a faculty/staff member or student is working on. On the one hand (from a marketing perspective) brand management and brand consistency can be tricky things to coordinate. We have to be very careful what messages we put out,

Mobile App – General Ideas

September 10, 2011 by | Mobile

As you know, we are thinking about mobile apps.  I wanted to get some ideas on ‘paper’ and see what you all think. Let’s do multiple, targeted apps as opposed to one big app that tries to be all things to all people. Let’s house them at www.chapman.edu/apps Let’s showcase student/chapman community apps at www.chapman.edu/apps/labs

Long Term Mobile Strategy

August 1, 2011 by | Mobile

Recently I sat down with Shari Waters and Mark Woodland to discuss the long-term mobile strategy for Chapman University.  We appreciate the enthusiasm to create mobile apps / web sites but please be patient.  It is important that we deploy these technologies in a way that is coordinated and organized.  We are aware that some

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