6 posts tagged

strategic marketing and communications


You’re Not Ghana Believe This

July 9, 2014 by | Inside SMC

I’ve always worked in a creative environment. An automotive magazine publisher, an in-house marketing and advertising department, and now, Strategic Marketing and Communications at Chapman. One thing all of these environments have in common: a bunch of crazy stuff on our walls and desks. I suppose it’s a justification that we “creative” types need

The First Five Tricks of Successful Marketers

January 22, 2014 by | Strategy

#1. Begin with the end in mind. With apologies to Steven Covey, the first rule of marketing should also be: “Begin with the end in mind.” Many people leap to a marketing conclusion before understanding their marketing needs. Before you leap to the conclusion of a brochure, or flyer, or newsletter, or special event, ask

Why Consolidate Emails?

January 22, 2013 by | Inside SMC

Chapman Family, You’re probably frustrated with the number of emails you’re receiving about campus events and announcements. You might even be guilty of deleting some without even reading them. If so, you’re part of the majority.  In the last year, we’ve received numerous requests to send out internal mass emails on behalf of various schools/colleges,

Who Runs Chapman’s Websites?

November 19, 2012 by | Inside SMC

It has come to my attention that not everyone on Chapman’s campus realizes what department is responsible for what website, so I decided to compile a list.  This will help schools/colleges/departments/offices understand when it’s a Strategic Marketing and Communications (SMC) site, and when it’s an Information Systems and Technology site.  If anyone notices anything missing or has any questions,

Thanks to the Internet Marketing Association!

September 25, 2012 by | Inside SMC

Thank you to Sinan Kanatsiz and the Internet Marketing Association for rewarding the “Strategic Marketing and Communications” team with 3 IMA awards. Best Blog Design (https://blogs.chapman.edu) Best Facebook Customization (https://www.facebook.com/ChapmanUniversity) Best Website Aesthetics (http://www.chapman.edu) Thanks also for a wonderful conference!  If you are an internet marketing professional have not yet attended the IMA conference, I recommend you keep it on your radar.

“Chapman Shortcuts” are Coming Soon

September 5, 2012 by | Website Overhaul

As we speak, Chapman is working with Barkley REI to add new features to Chapman’s website.  These new features will be released very soon, and include the new “Chapman Shortcuts” feature.  Shortcuts allows you to save your own quicklinks, and will also remember recent pages and searches. Shortcuts will work on any device, and does

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