Chapman University has the distinction of being the first university in America to have the state of the art SportsArt

chapman university athletics logo - a C with a panther head inside
Eco-Fit exercise equipment on campus. And now we have the opportunity to also have the distinction of being the first private university to crush Tennessee Tech in a competition of endurance, speed, and strength.

February 15th kicks off our competition with the Golden Eagles to see which school can generate the most power through their workouts.

tennessee tech golden eagles logo. purple and yellow with an eagle head on top.
If Chapman defeats Tennessee Tech we will win
bragging rights
 for our victory over the much larger TT, not to mention a new treadmill for the Henley Fitness Center!

And students, don’t think that there is nothing in this for you! By downloading the
EcoFit App
 (from the Marketplace or iTunes) and registering your card you can earn points that you can redeem for prizes. Who doesn’t want to get a Best Buy certificate for something you already do? Register and start earning points today!!!