Upcoming Events, Green Panther Spotlight and Composting Survey Green Panther Newsletter for February 19, 2019
February 20, 2019
Menu for the Future
The Office of Sustainability and the Advisory Group on the Status of Socio-Economic Stratification presents Menu for the Future. This workshop is structured as an open discussion about food justice and food insecurity based on cultural and socioeconomic factors from both a global and local perspective. Beyond that, the discussion will delve into how climate change impacts food insecurity. Food will be served at the workshop and will take place on Wednesday, February 27th, from 11:30 – 1:00pm in the Cross Cultural Center on the 3rd Floor of Argyros Forum. RSVP is encouraged but not required. Please RSVP here!
Green Panther Spotlight: Nikki Morgan ‘16
Meet our very first Green Panther Spotlight, Nikki Morgan! Nikki majored in Environmental Science & Policy and is currently the head beekeeper for Backyard Bees. She manages about 100 hives throughout OC, educates the public about the importance of maintaining local bee populations and also makes skin care products with their beeswax and honey.
“Our main focus is raising bees in their most natural state with the least amount of human interference. We also want to create products that come in environmentally responsible packaging,” Nikki shares.
To read more, visit her spotlight blog post!
Chapman Campus Recycling and Composting Survey
Help the Sustainability Department and Facilities Management better understand the Chapman community’s attitudes and current knowledge of waste and recycling processes on campus. Take the brief survey here!
Get to Know Chapman’s Environmental Clubs
The Student Involvement Fair, taking place tomorrow, February 20th, from 11am-1:30pm in the Attallah Piazza, is a great opportunity to learn about the many student organizations offered at Chapman. Make sure to stop by Chapman’s environmentally related clubs such as Mission Environment, Net Zero Chapman and Chapman Veg*ns. Read more about these clubs and their mission on our Students Organizations page!
Green Panther’s Article Picks:
- Senate Passes Massive Public Lands Conservation Bill
- 3 tests the Green New Deal must pass to work
- Where Glaciers Melt Away, Switzerland Sees Opportunity
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