A Fair Trade Valentine’s Day Flowers and chocolate decorate the front of every grocery store. But at what cost are these V-Day goods being produced and sold?
February 11, 2020
It’s that time of the year again – almost Valentine’s Day! This year, we encourage you to look into the products which you’re purchasing for the holiday.
Fair Trade is an institutional arrangement that allows businesses and producers to meet international standards on the production of goods. This organization advocates for environmental and social good, higher exporter wages, workers’ rights, and better trading conditions in developing countries. By paying a bit more for fair trade certified products, people in developed countries are supporting producers in third world countries and accounting for sustainable production. A range of products are impacted by fair trade certification, including the following associated with Valentine’s Day:
Today’s chocolate industry is worth up to hundreds of billions of dollars, and with the effects of climate change, cocoa trees are driving deforestation rates higher. By purchasing fair trade cocoa, we can also help producers get paid fairly as well as continue the ban of child labor in cocoa farming.
Over 80% of floral products in the United States are imported from other countries, oftentimes where workers can be exposed to toxic pesticides, chemicals, and herbicides banned in many countries. If you do plan on purchasing cut flowers, try to buy them fair trade, and otherwise try to find an organic and locally-sourced plant from your local farmer’s market. Also look into buying dried flower bouquets, which can last longer than the average fresh flowers!
Adult Beverages/Alcohol
Recently, alcoholic beverages have accounted for much of the growth in the fair trade market. If you are of legal age and plan on drinking alcohol this Valentine’s Day, be sure to look for fair trade certified wine, flavored liquor, or other spirits.
Fair Trade Condoms
Check out Sustain Natural Condoms for yet another unexpected fair trade product! “No to child labor. Yes to fair wages, free education, and healthcare for the entire community we source our rubber from.”
We hope you celebrate Valentine’s Day the fair trade way! Look for the fair trade certification logos below on the next products you purchase.
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