As the 51st anniversary of Earth Day approaches, we are excited to promote a month-long series of various sustainable virtual events hosted by departments across campus to educate the community and celebrate environmentalism! All events listed below are also available to view and register on Chapman’s Events Calendar. For more details as we get closer to each event, stay tuned through our Instagram @sustainchapman!


April 1 (Thurs.) @10am-1pm: Three B Sustainability Summit

A conversation intended to demystify sustainability – what it is, who’s leading in this space, and how you can know more or get involved! Three B Summit is a virtual conference on Sustainability and Social Responsibility with UPS, SolarApp, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Tesla Energy, produced by The Lukes Network. Students, business community, government agencies, and sustainability professionals in Orange County and beyond are invited and encouraged to join!

Link to register for zoom:


April 7 (Wed.) @8:30am-4pm: Public Policy Conference on Climate Change

How are local governments and public policy leaders dealing with pressing climate challenges in California and elsewhere? Learn from leading experts and thought leaders at Chapman’s renowned annual public policy conference. We’ll gather to examine the details of climate change policy and raise broad questions like: How can California and its communities make more progress in the fight, achieving not just reductions in greenhouse gases but profound improvements in how we live? What sort of governance reforms do we need locally, regionally, or statewide for this fight? Is the fight against climate distracting us from other problems—like poverty, housing and education—or can the fight help address other problems? And what could be the unintended consequences and challenges of fighting climate change for our governments?

Link to register:


April 16 (Fri.) @11am: Home Garden Discussion, Game, & Starter Kit

Join the Office of Sustainability for a fun presentation and discussion on how to grow your own seasonal garden. Those who RSVP will be invited to pick up a starter seed kit from campus to begin growing their own plant after our demonstration!

Link to register for Zoom:


Earth Week! (April 19-23)

April 21 (Wed.) @4-6 PM: Veg Club x Office of Sustainability Cooking Class

Tune in for a cooking class brought to you by the collaboration of Chapman’s Veg Club and the Office of Sustainability! Featuring affordable and accessible items while highlighting the impacts of a plant-based diet, this will be a fun and educational Zoom session where we get to cook and share food together virtually! We’ll be teaching you how to make vegan chickpea “tuna” and peanut butter dates.

Link to register for Zoom:


April 22 (Thurs.) @4-4:30pm: Earth Day Meditation Session with Dr. Jay Kumar – Renewing Hope: An Earth-Day Ritual Connecting to Planet and Spirit

We invite you to celebrate the arrival of spring and honor Earth Day with Dr. Jay Kumar (Director of Wellbeing) and the Office of Sustainability for a special program of meditation and ritual as we deepen our sacred connection to both the planet and the spirit of humanity.

Link to register for Zoom:


April 23 (Fri.) @10:30-10:45am: Prayer Gathering Honoring Our Home — Planet Earth

A Prayer Gathering in the Age of COVID-19: You are invited to a 10 minute weekly prayer gathering to experience support in this time of Covid-19. Join Rev. Nancy Brink, Attallah Endowed Director of Church Relations at Chapman and members of the Chapman community as we lift our hearts together. Each week will have a new link. Find the link at Open to Chapman community and outside community.


April 28 (Wed.) @6pm: Virtual Town-Hall on Climate, Clean Energy, and Civil Rights

Join us for this meeting with various panel speakers aimed to inspire students at Chapman to get involved with climate, civil rights and clean energy locally.

Link to register for Zoom:


April 29 (Thurs.) @10:30am: Movie Screening and Zoom Panel of Plastic China

Plastic China explores global consumption and culture through the eyes and hands of those who handle its refuse. This documentary captures the lives of two families living in a small town dedicated to processing plastic waste at a recycling facility, whose hopes and dreams are for a better life. At what price do these families pay physically and psychologically to aspire towards wealth while completely overlooking their quality of life? What burdens do other countries place on developing nations when they export the detritus of their consumer lifestyles?

Link to register for Zoom:

Link to stream film:


Other Ways to Participate in Earth Day:

We invite you to take our Sustainability Month Pledge in honor of Earth Day as a small sustainable commitment to the environment!


Paws for the Planet:

Join the Office of Volunteer Engagement for their “Paws for the Planet” event which asks Chapman Family members to pledge volunteer hours toward environmentally friendly actions during Earth Month. Help them reach the 500-hour goal by pledging to volunteer and checking out their volunteer opportunities!

Link to pledge to volunteer: