Let’s keep the paper printing to a minimum! Beginning in spring 2014, all computers at Chapman, with the exception of the printers in the law school,  Dodge College, and nine standalone printers associated with various departments, will be set to automatically print double-sided papers in an effort to save paper. This initiative towards paper conservation has been proposed and led by Student Government Association (SGA) senator at large Taylor Krause and Schmid College of Science and Technology senator Jenny Bowen. Krause’s main motivation came from seeing a lot of paper wasted, thrown away, or not picked up in the library. Due to this, their primary area of focus is the library.

According to Michelle Sypinero, manager of student computing services, more than 500,000 pieces of paper have been used on campus this semester alone. Michelle states that with 37 student lab/public printers spread across campus, from August 26th through today, approximately 514,000 sheets of paper have been printed.

Despite the change, the cost to print will remain the same. Students will still be able to print single-sided pages but will have to change the settings manually. Reminders and instructions will be placed alongside the computers undergoing this change.

Bowen says that the SGA will ensure that students, faculty, and staff are well-aware of the change. Posters, flyers, and online announcements will be posted to provide everyone with adequate information and prevent possible issues with printing.

Hopefully, this change will be effective and beneficial for many students, including Senior communications media major Chelsea Brandom who says that she prints in the library at least twice a week, printing anywhere from three to 10 pages each time. However, one concern students have is whether their professors will accept papers printed double-sided.  Bowen discussed this issue with the After discussing this with the Sustainability Committee, who agreed that “professors cannot be upset about double-sided assignments turned in if it is not specified in their syllabi that they request single-sided assignments.” However, it is the responsibility of students to comply to the professors’ request, whether they prefer single or double-sided papers. Overall, the change is one more step in Chapman’s effort to maintain a sustainable campus environment!