5 posts tagged

international education


Celebrating International Education

November 23, 2016 by |

Chapman University highlighted its global education opportunities and accomplishments during the national celebration of International Education Week (November 14-18), a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education. The Center for Global Education kicked off the week with Global Fest, co-sponsored by Chapman University Student Government Association, to highlight

Advisory Group on the Status of International Communities

November 4, 2015 by |

The Advisory Group on the Status of International Communities, co-chaired by Jodi Hicks, Overseas Program Manager in the Center for Global Education, and Charlene Baldwin, Dean of the Leatherby Libraries, is taking quick action on some of its short-term goals this semester. This includes the continuation of two programs, Windows of the World and International

Through My Eyes: A Foreign Lens

October 26, 2015 by |

  The Center for Global Education is launching International Education Week from November 2-7, 2015. The week will consist of an international food fair, art displays, international dialogues, and much more to show the importance and relevance of international and cross-cultural events on campus. A highlight of the week is the event “Through My Eyes:

Interterm Travel Course to Vietnam

October 12, 2015 by |

Calling all Foodies! Travel Course FNS 510 Food Industry Tour will be departing soon! Visit the vibrant country of Vietnam while getting the opportunity to study the way food production works in an emerging country. Visit farms, manufacturing facilities, food markets, and a floating market, all the while gaining a deeper understanding of the food

International Education Week 2015

October 8, 2015 by |

In a world that continues to grow and establish interconnectedness within various cultures and across multiple countries the idea of International Education has proved itself a pertinent matter to be informed in. Whether one has studied abroad, become proactively involved in international initiatives or simply taken a history course it is evident that the world

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