Turnitin’s new AI writing detection feature has been the talk of the academic community, as it promises to help instructors detect potential plagiarism of AI writing tools in student papers. However, users have reported false positives, highlighting the need for caution in relying solely on the tool. Rather than using this tool to prevent academic dishonesty, instructors can use the data gathered from Turnitin to gain insight into how they would like to approach the use of Chat GPT or other AI writing tools in their classes. Instructors can have AI Writing tools to help their students write a first draft, or they could provide guidelines on how to properly cite the AI-generated text. Overall, Turnitin’s AI writing detection feature can be a valuable tool when used with other resources, but it is not a perfect solution.

Please check out our workshop clip on how to use Turnitin’s AI Writing Detection tool and the slide deck for the workshop.

Turnitin Resources

Turnitin has published several informative blog posts on using their AI detection tool. We’ve compiled a selection of our favorite blog posts to assist you in your discussions with your students regarding Turnitin’s AI writing score:

Additional Resources

Additionally, we have compiled resources from outside of Turnitin’s blog posts to assist you in navigating the use of AI writing tools in your class.

Chapman Resources