Dear Chapman Instructors and Staff,

The Educational Technology Services team meets with our friends at YuJa on a monthly basis to review the new features that are the most relevant for the Chapman community.  Below please find the list of new features for December 2023.

Do you have questions about YuJa?  Visit us in the Virtual Tech Hub for drop-in support or schedule a 1:1 consultation with a team member.

Video Editor

New Audio Waveform Engine to View Multi-Track Audio

The Video Editor features an updated audio waveform processing engine that allows you to view independent audio streams on separate tracks instead of the previous single track that displayed all audio waveforms.

New Audio Waveform Engine to View Multi-Track Audio

Synchronized Splits for Video and Audio Streams

YuJa’s updated Audio Waveform engine allows Content Creators to split a video and its associated audio track simultaneously, enabling synchronized splitting and movement of tracks.

Synchronized Splits for Video and Audio Streams

“Build a Multi-Stream Video” By Adding Full-Length, Independent Streams

Content Creators can import video clips as new, independent streams, allowing them to create multi-stream videos with up to four streams within a single video.

“Build a Multi-Stream Video” By Adding Full-Length, Independent Streams

Video Quizzes

Automatic Grading for Short Answer Question Type

Video Quizzes will allow instructors to set grading options for Short Answer question types. Instructors can manually review the answer and enter a grade or automatically assign full points for answers greater than a specified word count.

Automatic Grading for Short Answer Question Type

Partial Points for Select Multiple Question Type

Instructors can now award partial points for the Select Multiple question type when students select some of the correct options instead of requiring them to select all the right answers.

Partial Points for Select Multiple Question Type