166 posts categorized in



Students Now Have Access to New Analytics in Canvas

February 19, 2025 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Students and Instructors, We wanted to share the exciting news that students now have access to New Analytics in Canvas. What is New Analytics? New Analytics is a tool in Canvas that provides interactive data visualizations to help students and instructors track course grades, activity, and communication. How can students access New Analytics

Introducing Poll Everywhere Course Management Now available

January 14, 2025 by | Canvas

Poll Everywhere Course Management is the latest update that enhances the integration of Poll Everywhere with Canvas, making it easier than ever for instructors to manage graded polls with their courses. Enhanced Workflow for Educators Course Management improves your workflow by enhancing individual course pages on the Poll Everywhere website and making them easier to

7 Simple Steps for Creating Accessible Course Materials

November 15, 2024 by | Canvas

Accessibility has been a hot topic in higher education this year in light of updated regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Community colleges and public universities are required to be in compliance with these regulations, ensuring that web content and mobile applications are accessible to people with disabilities. Creating accessible

Simple Syllabus Pilot

November 6, 2024 by | Canvas

What is Simple Syllabus? Simple Syllabus is a centralized, template-driven syllabus management system designed to streamline the creation and distribution of course syllabi, ultimately saving instructors time. Here are some key features: Template-Driven: It uses dynamic templates to ensure consistency while allowing instructors to personalize their syllabi. Centralized Repository: All syllabi are stored in a

Canvas Spotlight on Instructors

October 30, 2024 by | Canvas

What do Chapman students want to see in a well-designed Canvas course? According to a recent survey, students desire an organized structure,  assignments clearly communicated with due dates, and ease of navigation. These findings are in line with a recent Ohio University survey. Melissa Samaniego of the Chapman University Center for Excellence in Teaching and

Canvas New Quizzes: Control When Students See Quiz Results

October 18, 2024 by | Canvas

Dear Chapman Instructors, Are you using Canvas New Quizzes?  We wanted to share that a change is coming to New Quizzes on October 19, 2024. What is changing? In the New Quizzes Settings, instructors will see a Hide results from students setting.  This setting is turned off by default.  Instructors can toggle it on if

Known Issue in Canvas with Automatic 0s in the Gradebook

October 10, 2024 by | Canvas

Imagine This Scenario… In the Gradebook of your Canvas course, you notice that all of your students have a grade of 0 for one or more assignments.  You have not graded the assignments yet (maybe your students have not even submitted them yet), so you are not sure how this could have happened. How This

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