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Student Annotation in Canvas Hypothes.is vs Canvas Student Annotation Submissions

October 14, 2021 by | Canvas

Hypothes.is Instructors can make PDFs and web pages hosted in Canvas annotatable. Students can then annotate course readings collaboratively, sharing comments, and replying to each other’s comments. Instructors can also create annotation assignments using Hypothesis so that students submit their annotation “sets” for feedback and grading in Canvas. Hypothesis allows instructors to create small reading

How to give students extended time for timed Canvas quizzes

October 7, 2021 by | Canvas

Are you using Quizzes in Canvas to create and deliver quizzes/exams?  If you have students who need extended time for quizzes/exams (for example, “time + 1/2” or “double time”), you can use the Moderate Quiz feature in Canvas to give these students the extra minutes that they need for timed quizzes.  The following video contains

Open Up to OER Getting to know open educational resources

September 28, 2021 by | Canvas

Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning materials that are created or managed by commercial publishers, but with open licenses. These resources are free for students and allow faculty to revise materials to fit individual courses specifications. Some benefits of using OER materials: They’re free! Easily accessible Flexible Can supplement existing materials Can be updated/changed anytime

Using your Zoom-enabled classroom Allow students to join synchronously or record a lecture for later viewing

September 10, 2021 by | Canvas

Steps for creating a Zoom link for students to either attend a class synchronously or for you to make a recording of a classroom presentation or lecture for later viewing. Direction from Provost Bouchard: Instructors are required to teach face-to-face in the classroom, while also providing alternate instruction for students who have an approved absence

Allow Cross-Website Tracking on the Canvas iPad App Fix problems with saving annotations when using the Canvas iPad app

September 10, 2021 by | Canvas

The latest versions of iOS and iPadOS (iPhone and iPad operating systems) include increased security and privacy enhancements. As a part of these enhancements, if you are using the Canvas Teacher or Students Apps on your iPad and iPhone, you’ll need to enable ‘Cross-Website Tracking’ to allow certain features to function. This includes the ability

How to Make a Seating Chart in Canvas

August 31, 2021 by | Canvas

If you have ever wanted a seating chart with student names and pictures, it’s easy to create one in Canvas using the Attendance tool. Step 1: Enable the Attendance Tool Start in your Canvas course. In the left-hand menu click on Settings. Make sure you are in the Navigation tab. Enable the Attendance tool by

Photo Roster Tool

August 21, 2021 by | Canvas

A favorite online tool is the Photo Roster tool.  Use the Photo Roster link to view a photo roster of your students and print it out. Many instructors like to have a copy on hand during the first week or two in order to make notes (such as pronouns or name pronunciation) in the margins

Hypothes.is App in Canvas Available Now for Fall 2021

August 18, 2021 by | Canvas

Spring 2021-Summer 2021 we had a successful pilot for Hypothes.is and Gradescope in Canvas. There was fantastic feedback from faculty and students. As a result, we will be having a University site license for Hypothes.is starting this Fall 2021 term. Hypothesis is an easy to use pedagogical tool that enables students and teachers to have

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