12 posts categorized in

Digital Scholarship


What is the future of Digital Scholarship? (or, 'the missing part of the cycle of productivity' of Higher Ed)

March 31, 2017 by | Technology

This post builds on my previous writing, What is Digital Scholarship? In today’s installment about Digital Scholarship, I feature a 2013 EDUCAUSE article written by Ed Ayers, “Does Digital Scholarship Have a Future?”  In this piece Ayers, President of the University of Richmond and National Humanities Medalist, explores concerns about how the primary activities of

What is Digital Scholarship? explaining my role on our campus

March 24, 2017 by | Technology

When I travel to conferences I often get questions about my title (Associate Director of Digital Scholarship) and what I do at Chapman, but I also get questions about what I do from within the university. So I thought I would explain a bit more about that in my blogpost today… First, let’s start with

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