104 posts categorized in



Accessible Videos Tools to Improve Access

December 12, 2017 by | Technology

At our institution, we are fortunate to have several video-making spaces and programs at our fingertips. For example, we have Panopto, a streaming service that captures, stores, and shares in-class and desktop lectures, and we have the One-Button Studio at both our Orange and Irvine campuses. Add to this all of the individual devices with

Submit your grades and enjoy your Holiday Break! 2017-18

December 11, 2017 by | Technology

All fall semester grades are due Monday, January 1, 2018, but why wait! Online grade submission must be done through my.chapman.edu; grades entered into Blackboard are not considered official and are not applied to student records. For step-by-step instructions on how to assign final grades please download the PDF below. Also, for more training and

Blackboard Upgrade Updates What's New and Issues

December 8, 2017 by | Technology

What’s New Drag and Drop Files It is easier than ever to attach files in Blackboard. As a faculty member, you can now add files to Items and Assignments by dragging files from your computer to the “hot spot” in the Attach Files area. Students can also drag and drop files to upload when they

Accessible Word Documents Tools to Improve Access

November 17, 2017 by | Technology

Word documents are often used to deliver content and agendas to students in courses. Whether faculty know it or not, a portion of their students may be at a disadvantage when trying to extract the information from Word pages due to documented or undocumented disabilities. Some of the various issues that may prevent students from

The most ubiquitous software in classrooms: PowerPoint

November 17, 2017 by | Technology

For many years the most visited post on this blog site was one that I wrote several years ago titled, “In a Rut with PowerPoint.”  In that post I described a few alternatives to this software, that could help to shake up the presentation experience.  I reprised this post a few years later, with some

We’re Moving! Dec 18th

November 16, 2017 by | Technology

In a few weeks the Office of Academic Technology & Digital Scholarship will be moving to the Tech Hub, located in DeMille Hall 104. This new space will feature the latest and greatest technology for faculty to use. Additionally, faculty can drop in for tech support at our “Genius Corner” and will be able to

Turnitin Writing Project Example

November 13, 2017 by | Technology

Research Ideas (Paper Assignment)- Week 1 (10pts) Research Outline Draft (Revision Assignment)- Week 2 (20pts) Research Outline Final Daft (Paper Assignment)- Week 2 (10pts) Extended Outline (Paper Assignment)- Week 3 (25pts) Extended Outline (PeerMark Assignment)- Week 3 (15pts) Research Final Draft (Paper Assignment)- Week 4 (30pts) Research Final Draft (PeerMark Assignment)- Week 4 (20pts) Panel

Turnitin Download Students' Work

November 6, 2017 by | Technology

Why Download Students’ Work? Print out paper copies of students’ work. To view and mark offline. Archive copies on your computer of either the original file submitted by the student or the electronically marked paper. Access Assignments From Prior Terms If the course has ended you can still access the student’s assignments through Turnitin’s site.

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