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6 Tips for Student Blogging using WordPress for student blogging at Chapman

April 14, 2017 by | Technology

WordPress offers many possibilities for faculty who wish for their students to be completing writing or multimedia assignments in an open online platform.  However, there are many varieties of WordPress available to faculty, and some decisions need to be made to help faculty select the best-possible variant of WordPress for their learning objectives, and to

One-on-one Training Lynda.com + Blackboard

April 3, 2017 by | Technology

Do you learn better with one-on-one training over digital lessons or documentation? There are several benefits to one on one training: Understanding your specific course needs and goals. Answering individualized questions. Proved a personal work flow for Lynda.com and Blackboard. If you would like to schedule a one-on-one training please contact us at blackboard@chapman.edu

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