16 posts tagged



Turnitin Download Students' Work

November 6, 2017 by | Technology

Why Download Students’ Work? Print out paper copies of students’ work. To view and mark offline. Archive copies on your computer of either the original file submitted by the student or the electronically marked paper. Access Assignments From Prior Terms If the course has ended you can still access the student’s assignments through Turnitin’s site.

Turnitin Commenting Tools

October 30, 2017 by | Technology

Bubble comments– You can leave a bubble comment by clicking anywhere on the page or by selecting a portion of text. Select the speech bubble icon from the in-context marking tool to leave a bubble comment. QuickMarks- You can leave a QuickMark by clicking anywhere on the page or by selecting a portion of text.

Turnitin Viewing Similarity Matches

October 25, 2017 by | Technology

The Match Overview The Match Overview gives Instructors a list of all the matches that have been found on a students submitted paper. Click the red numerical similarity score from the similarity toolbar to view the Match Overview. A list of matches will be displayed in descending order. Click the arrow to the right of

Turnitin Feedback Studio

October 2, 2017 by | Technology

What is Turnitin? Turnitin provides originality checking services, class management tools, and paperless digital grading products to educational institutions around the world. What Does Turnitin Do? Similarity Report: Submitted papers are compared for matches or similar text in Turnitin’s database. The database includes billions of web pages: both current and archived content from the internet,

How to generate a Photo Roster of your students

August 21, 2017 by | Technology

One of the most well-loved tools that we offer for faculty at Chapman, is the Photo Roster, because you can generate and print a list of all of your students with thumbnail photos. I like to print out a copy before the first day of class, and then I make notes (such as preferred name)

New and Improved Blackboard Faculty Support Tab

July 10, 2017 by | Technology

At the top right of your Blackboard page you will see 4 tabs: My Chapman, Courses, Community, and Faculty/Staff Support. The Faculty/Staff Support page now has icons that link to some amazing resources for Faculty and Staff. Video Tutorials For Blackboard- These videos cover course design, communication, collaboration, and assessment. Blakboard Step-by-Step Instructions- This support

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