3 posts tagged



Signing up for EduBlogs just got easier!

June 23, 2017 by | Technology

I’ve written before about the benefits of using blogs in the classroom.  We provide a free-for-Chapman-users platform for course blogging and for faculty websites on EduBlogs.  In the past, users had to submit a form to request an EduBlogs site.  However now users can simply go to sites.chapman.edu and Sign In (in the upper left

6 Tips for Student Blogging using WordPress for student blogging at Chapman

April 14, 2017 by | Technology

WordPress offers many possibilities for faculty who wish for their students to be completing writing or multimedia assignments in an open online platform.  However, there are many varieties of WordPress available to faculty, and some decisions need to be made to help faculty select the best-possible variant of WordPress for their learning objectives, and to

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