In the spring of 2012, a group of your fellow alumni, experienced one of the most personally rewarding times ever at Chapman. Patrick Quinn, Dean of Wilkinson College and fourteen faculty members opened their upper division classes to   “seasoned” alumni (aged 60+) to experience learning once more side by side current students. This audit opportunity is a feature of the new Chapman Alumni Lifelong Learning (CALL) program.

Participant, student and faculty evaluations speak to the success of this pilot effort:

“This Shakespeare class has been an absolute delight…discussions between the professor and students are a fascination.”   – Alumna, Class of ’62

“Professor, students and guest lecturers are most welcoming to us in class and on campus. Small classes, great discussions, a learning time for all.”   – Alumnus, Class of ’55

“I am loving this class…..The Literature of Resistance, with Professor Kozameh.”

–  Alumna, Class of “61

“I have so enjoyed having you in class. You add so much, you inspire all the students.”

– English/Religion Professor

Current Student comment on first day to alumna “ You’re how old, is that eighty…one?” (Has become a newly adopted grandchild.)

Put yourself in that chair and extend your “life” long learning. Experience the brightest and most stimulating students and challenging professors.

Classes are first come, first served and they fill fast. Alumni auditors are assigned after students. Once classes are filled, students sometimes drop, and auditors can fill-in. Stay tuned for an upcoming information session on how to register for fall semester.

Join your Chapman classmates the old and the new! CALL registration coming soon.

Bill Parker ’52

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