Christine Curry, B.A. sociology ’95, has set out to redefine life as a farmer in Grenada, a small island nation in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. Her urge to help the environment and low-income families propelled her into the world of non-profits through her work with The Grenada Goat Dairy Project. Read on to find out what inspires Christine and what advice she has for current Chapman students and her fellow alumni.

Tell us about your career and how you became involved with your non-profit?
The non-profit I established is really grass roots. I haven’t been “financially” successful at all, but I’ve had a great journey and hopefully have made a contribution to our beautiful but complicated world.

Learn more about Christine’s background and her journey to start The Grenada Goat Dairy Project here.

Have you always been passionate about agriculture and sustainable food production?
As a child growing up in Iowa, I was quick to say “I’m not a farmer, we live in the city with running water and electricity”.  I never appreciated the way the farmers were depicted.  As a young adult living in California in the 80’s, I gained a greater interest in the environment and began appreciating and studying the movement of where food comes from.  Since then and now, I totally dig the quality small scale farm systems – our future!

What advice do you have for students who want to make the most out of their time at Chapman?
With every term and class, really get into it. Learn all you can. You’ll be thankful and grateful to have committed to the process. And don’t forgot to have fun!

What insight would you give to current students and alumni who are searching for employment?
Go with your passion. I know it is cliché, but start there. Whatever really gets you excited and motivated. If there is not absolute work in your field currently, then start by volunteering and learn however you can. Engage a mentor in the field you are passionate about. It will come together for you if you are authentic and true in your desire.

From your time at Chapman, which faculty member(s) made the greatest impact on you and why?
I had many faculty members that made my time at Chapman exciting. Many had been in the work place prior and were coming back as professors in this environment. The real life perspective and work experience was a huge plus to the education.

How has your Chapman degree helped you in your professional and personal life?
It has enhanced my credibility, personally and professionally.

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Graduation 1995

Christine  in 1995, a new Chapman alumna, ready to change the world

Christine holds a goat in her arms.

Christine today, at work with The Goat Dairy Project in Grenada


Want to get in touch with Christine?