Just like my 401k and my home, I like to think of my Chapman degree as an asset. As Chapman continues to grow in size and reputation my degree is something that continues to gain value. The other asset I received from Chapman is access to an ever more impressive network of fellow alumni.

The value of a strong alumni network is limitless. It can be used to make friends, advance careers, find jobs and offer valuable advice. A couple of years ago I realized that I wanted more opportunities to for our alumni to make these valuable connections. Not one to sit back and wait for something to happen, I took matters in to my own hands and launched a program that I called
Chappy Hour
. Chappy Hour is a regularly scheduled happy hour where alumni can get together build the network that we all know can be so valuable.

Alumni really responded to the idea of Chappy Hour and in the last couple of years we have had events in
Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Atlanta, Boston, Washington D.C.
New York
. I can personally attest to the valuable connections that have been made through these simple events.

Although we’re taking a break for the holiday season, we will re-launch Chappy Hour in 2014. We hope to continue to grow not just the size of the events but the number of cities where they are held. It’s really easy to host a Chappy Hour in your area. If it’s something that interests you, let me know. I can be reached at
. I would love to see Chappy Hour events wherever our alumni are living.

If you want to attend Chappy Hour in 2014, look for more info coming soon in the
Activities and Events section of the Chapman alumni website
. You can also join the
Chappy Hour group on Facebook
. I look forward to networking with you soon!

aaron-flewellen-headshot-12-2-13Aaron Flewellen ‘04

Vice President – Operations
Chapman University Alumni Association



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