Since 1982, Chapman University has given the Schweitzer Award of Excellence to an individual or organization that exemplifies Albert Schweitzer’s ethics of reverence for life and his dedication to a life of service. The recipient of this lifetime achievement award is selected from Chapman’s outstanding community of alumni. Last year’s recipient was Karen Haren ’71, who was recognized for her decades of work in hunger relief and hunger advocacy.  View a list of recipients of the Schweitzer Award of Excellence » 

Beginning in 2014, a new award was created in addition to the Schweitzer Award of Excellence. This new award, the Schweitzer Rising Star Award, recognizes an inspiring young Chapman alumnus or alumna who has taken up Albert Schweitzer’s challenge to invest his or her humanity for the betterment of humankind and the world. The 2014 recipient was Hannah Skvarla ’10, who was honored for her work to combat poverty and empower communities by creating a platform for artisans in developing nations to sell their goods. Learn more about the Schweitzer Rising Star Award » 

Do you know a Chapman University alumna/alumnus who is deserving of one of these prestigious honors?

Nominees for the Schweitzer Award of Excellence must:

  1. Be involved in extraordinary humanitarian work that embodies Schweitzer’s ethics of reverence for life and his dedication to a life of service;
  2. Have played a leadership role in envisioning, founding, directing, or developing the project(s)/organization(s); and
  3. Inspire others to “invest their humanity” in a life of service and to embrace an ethics of reverence for life, both by their example and by facilitating engagement.

Nominees for the Schweitzer Rising Star Award must possess the same qualities as nominees for the Schweitzer Award of Excellence in addition to being a young alumnus or alumna (less than 10 years out of college).

Nominate an alumnus or alumna for the Schweitzer Award of Excellence »

Nominate an alumnus or alumna for the Schweitzer Rising Star Award »

Nominations should be submitted online by March 15, 2015. Both awards will be presented during commencement weekend in May 2015. If you have questions, please contact Nancy Martin, associate professor and chair of the department of religious studies, at