Shannon Coyle was a star during her first season at Chapman. She appeared in every match during in 2019, ranking third on the team in assists with three, and was looking to achieve the same greatness during her junior campaign (sophomore season missed due to COVID). After starting the first two preseason matches, Coyle went down with an ACL tear. She states that it is the “first big injury I’ve ever had and it definitely taught me a lot about myself. It forced me to be a better teammate than I ever have before because all I could contribute was from the sidelines so I learned to really look after my teammates and support them off the field.”

After rehabilitating for months, Coyle is now ready to hit Wilson Field for her senior season. She describes that she is “really thankful every time I get to step on the field. I’m looking forward to competing in every aspect. I’m excited to push myself and my teammates to just be around some of my favorite people on the world 24/7 for the next three months. Honestly, there are so many things that make me excited for this season I could go on forever!”

With all of this excitement come goals that Shannon has not only set for herself, but for the team as captain during her senior campaign. She states that “My goal personally for this season is to stay healthy and to be a good captain to the team. I want to be someone who leads by example and that my team can look and come to whenever they need it. As a team, I want us to win SCIAC. We’ve come in third place in the tournament the last two years and I think it’s about time we take home a title and compete in the NCAA tournament.”

Lastly, Coyle adds that “I love my team and I truly can’t wait for season.  I am so lucky to get to play at Chapman and honestly haven’t fully wrapped my head around this being my last season. My team is my family and my best friends!”

You can check out Coyle and her team take on Westcliff on August 29th at 7pm for their first home game of the season.